Friday, April 6, 2007

Fiber Overload

I don't think I could ever have "enough" fiber. However, my friend Kim had dyed a bunch of Bluefaced Leicester wool for me (you can see some of her gorgeous dyework at, and buy her and my handspun yarn, and her glass art and other creations). I also have some old dyed soy silk to use, as well as some mohair curls Kim dyed, amongst the silk caps, alpaca down I bought up in Whidbey Island when I asked the boyfriend to drive me up there (since it is on his side of the peninsula), pygora, cashmere fluff, and POUNDS AND POUNDS of stinky dog hair from my friend Mark's brother John, who wants the yarn to weave a blanket. I told him I should knit him one. It would work better, but weaving will be more economical a use of the yarn.

Did I mention there were pounds of stinky dog hair? I think I might look into trying to wash it in a metal sieve I have. I figure it will mat itself into the sieve, and I can just lift it off once it dries out on the porch.

My ultimate goal is to buy a drum carder, and be able to efficiently blend the dog hair with undyed BFL. It makes a nice blonde yarn... I want a more consistent blend, though, which I cannot currently achieve with the long times spent hand-carding the suckers. A drum carder makes sense... I am also thinking of combs, but I currently do not possess any fibers which I particularly have a burning desire to comb and rid myself of the short hairs.

I almost wish I had this weekend to myself, to spin and knit and put my community garden together and buy things like track lighting and a plant stand. Almost. I do love going to see the boyfriend. And since weekends are all we have together, I make the effort. And so does he, work permitting. I am going to help him garden this weekend. He has aspirations for a pumpkin vine and some other stuff. Which is interesting, because he abhors most vegetables. I have yet to figure out the underlying reason for this...

Oh well. More CSA organic asparagus for me!

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