Unfortunately, my camera batteries are recharging right now, so I don't have the chance to take pictures of stuff...
I got a new bike helmet yesterday! It's a Bell Sweep XC. Here's the best part: I got it for $60, tax included! (It retails for at least twice that). I found it when Daniel and I went to this store called Stupid Prices, where their gimmick is that they include tax on the price tag. I also found some vegetable supplements called Greens To Go that are very difficult for me to find in most stores - it's pre-portioned vegetable and fruit powder that goes into water and tastes like apples. (By the way, you can get a free (!!) sample of all their flavors if you click here.) The best part was that my mom said that the Greens To Go packages that I bought were about $5 less than she has seen them at Costco ($23 vs about $28, not including tax).
I also discussed some financial questions with Daniel. I have about $1600 in an ING savings account, and he was suggesting that I have a separate IRA to complement my Boeing 401(k) account. I think I am going to open a Vanguard Roth IRA. Daniel did some quick research, and the expense ratio (I think that's what it's called - I am still pretty new at this investing thing) is around 0.15%, which is very low. The catch is that you need at least $3000 to open a Vanguard IRA account. So what I am going to do is tack on the difference from another savings account, and then I'll be able to open up the account, no problem. Were I not fortunate to have Daniel's advice, my first inclination would have been to close my ING account and transfer that money to another savings account, or my Sharebuilder account. My HSBC savings account is earning a higher interest rate than my ING account, so I really don't like letting my money sit around and not do it's best for me...
Seriously, if anyone has any questions about finances or investing, please visit Daniel's blog: www.step3prophet.com. I am sure he wouldn't mind answering any questions that come his way, either - they can be made anonymous and provide good fodder for his blog, anyway! :) (He also has a list of financial blogs that he likes, and the best part is that I can read them and not fall asleep!)
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