Monday, March 16, 2009

Food Diary

While emailing Fran (my primary Crossfit trainer and friend) today, she asked me if I would be willing to keep a food diary for a week, to assist her with a nutrition class she is currently taking. I agreed, thinking it would be an interesting experiment, as well as getting me back into remembering what food portions are supposed to look like.

My first stop was to measure out 4 oz of red wine. 4 oz is often quoted as "a glass", but in America, Land of Out-of-Control 1 lb hamburgers and drink glasses that can easily hold 500 mL of wine, many people vastly underestimate their portion sizes, and balk when you suggest that the portion of protein on their plate should roughly equal the volume of their palm.

This is exactly 1/2 cup, or 4 liquid ounces, of red wine. I took a picture of it next to a standard 750 mL bottle of wine, for reference.

The next step was to measure out how much volume one of my eating bowls holds. Turns out one of my bowls holds 2 cups of liquid, with about 1/2" of clearance to the top of the bowl. A mighty portion!

With that knowledge, I began assembling my food diary. Then I went to the store and bought some corned beef, potatoes, and cabbage. (Side note- did you know that "beeves" is the plural of "beef"? Strange but true.)

Here is my corned beef, cooking away slowly in my Salvation Army Crock-Pot.


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